Day 1 

Monday, 2nd December 2024

Academic Keynote Presentation in association with New Zealand Asia Institute (9.30 - 10.30am)

Chair: Sharlene Biswas (University of Auckland)

Keynote Speaker: Professor Norio Sawabe (Kyoto University)

Morning Tea (10.30-11am) – in Decima Glenn (room 260-310 on Level 3)

Room 1 - 260-325 (on level 3)

Concurrent Session #1A (11am - 12pm)

Chair: Charl de Villiers (University of Auckland)

Organization Capital and Firm-level Climate Risk Exposure

By: Edache Michael (Victoria University of Wellington)


Navigating Competing Demands: Management Control and Sustainability in the Pharmaceutical Sector of a Developing Economy

By: Zahir Ahmed (Auckland University of Technology)


Climate Action Drivers, Indicators and Adaptation Options

By: Indira Venkatraman (University of Canterbury)



Room 2 - 260-223 (on level 2)

Concurrent Session #1B (11am - 12pm)

Chair: Fred Ng (University of Auckland)

Online booking intermediaries and revenue management practices in New Zealand hotels

By: Chris Akroyd (University of Canterbury)

Reinventing Safe Harbour: Embedding Governance and Risk Management Practices in SME Accounting Systems and Shaping Current Proposals for Company Law, Governance, and Insolvency Reform

By: Terry Quilty (Manukau Institute of Technology)


Pathways of Progress? Roles of Masters and Professional Masters in Accounting

By: Fred Ng (University of Auckland)


Room 2 - 260-223 (on level 2)

Concurrent Session #2B (12 - 1pm)

Chair: Julie Harrison (University of Auckland)

Target Difficulty, Effort-Reward Imbalance And Workplace Wellbeing: Evidence From A Longitudinal Survey

By: Makoto Kuroki (Yokohama City University)


How About Accountants Being Entrepreneurs, Too? A Systematic Review Of Factors That Contribute To Identifying Entrepreneurial Opportunities

By: Olkan Guler (Whitireia Community Polytechnic)

Lunch (1 - 2pm) – in Decima Glenn (room 260-310 on Level 3)

Room 1 - 260-325 (on level 3)

Concurrent Session #3A (2 - 3pm)

Chair: Julie Harrison (University of Auckland)

How cost accounting, risk management, and internal controls are linked: An integrated framework

By: Qais Saleh (University of Canterbury)


The quantification mirage: How managers navigate numbers to cultivate authenticity when communicating non-governmental organisational performance

By: Tirukumar Thiagarajah (Monash University)


Room 2 - 260-223 (on level 2)

Concurrent Session #3B (2 - 3pm)

Chair: Ramona Zharfpeykan (Uni of Auckland)

The theory of Gemba Kaizen Costing: Visualization of Kaizen effects

By: Shino Hiiragi (Aichi Institute Of Technology)


The Paradox of Control and Creativity: Complementarity among control components to enable creativity in organizations

By: Hirofumi Asada (Osaka University of Economics)


Afternoon Tea (3 - 3.30pm) – in Decima Glenn (room 260-310 on Level 3)

Sponsor: ACCA

Concurrent Session #4A (3.30 - 4pm)

Chair: Yuki Guo (University of Auckland)

How Do MCS Change in Response to Business Environment Shifts from Industry 4.0 and 5.0? A Perspective from Asia-Pacific Organisations

By: Zixuan (Chas) Jiao (University of Auckland)



Multimodality and Counter Accounts on Social Media

By: Yuki Guo (University of Auckland)

Concurrent Session #4B (3.30 - 4pm)

Chair: Paul Rouse (University of Auckland)

The Development Process of Management Accounting Capability: The Case of Small and Medium-sized Japanese Civil Engineering Firms

By: Hiroshi Adachi (Prefectural University of Hiroshima)


Optimizing Revenue Management Strategies in the Hospitality Industry

By: Umesh Sharma (University of Waikato)

Conference Dinner  (6pm)   at Pullman Auckland Hotel located on Corner of Waterloo Quadrant and Princes Street